NESA Robotics recently visited George Abbot School in Surrey to perform an advanced disinfection as part of the school’s regular cleaning protocols to protect their staff and pupils. 

The UVD Robot was programmed and set to work to disinfect all of the classrooms, staff rooms, communal areas and washrooms to operating theatre standards in order for a safe return to School after the Easter break.

Keeping schools open was an essential part of the Prime Minister’s steps of out lockdown. With more restrictions being lifted, it is vital that all areas of society are kept free of COVID-19.

Research has suggested that secondary school pupils are eight times more likely to bring infections into a household than adults. Therefore, the school environment needs to be thoroughly and regularly disinfected. 

The robot uses UVC light to quickly and efficiently disinfect large spaces as part of a regular cleaning schedule. UVC light lamps are mounted on the robot’s fully autonomous base, and kill 99.9999% of infectious diseases, viruses, bacteria, yeasts, fungi and other harmful microorganisms on the surfaces and in the air in just a matter of seconds. 

Staff, children and visitors can enter the room immediately after disinfection and with no chemicals used or down time needed. It is the perfect solution to disinfect surfaces, equipment and the air!

COVID-19 killing robot performing advanced disinfection at George Abbot School

If you are interested in how a UVD Robot could support your business click here.

If you are interested in booking an advanced disinfection for your school, please click here.

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