UVD Robots for Facilities Management
As a consequence of the Covid-19 pandemic the safety of workplaces for customers and staff has been called into question. Due to the wide range of critical touch points found within offices and different working environments, the potential for the spread of Covid-19 is considered high. UVD Robots from NESA Robotics can help the facilities management sector get their staff and clients back to work.
With the Government advising the nation to work from home again, this is not a simple option for all workers, and the task of creating safe workplaces for when people inevitably return to work is an essential consideration.
Equally, for those who own and rent out offices or collaborative working spaces, the deemed risk of working spaces has hit hard, ridding people of their rental income and leaving lively and exciting spaces completely unused.
For jobs and work spaces that need and want to be used, the risk of spreading the virus is high, as offices contain complex and hard to disinfect surfaces, keyboards, draws and desks. Targeting all of these hard to reach areas, the UVD Covid-19 killing robot can be deployed by business and office space owners and to disinfect spaces quickly and cost-effectively, killing 99.9999% of harmful microorganism, bacteria, and viruses.
The benefits of UVD technology from NESA Robotics
Seeing the benefits of UVD technology in workplaces where working from home is not possible, HWM Aston Martin uses the UVD Robot from NESA Robotics in their car dealership, disinfecting critical touch points to make it safe for customers to touch the cars they are viewing, as well as for staff to safely return to work in the office. By fully disinfecting these areas, the UVD Robot has returned confidence to a workplace that needs workers and customers to function, making it safe and Covid-free.
The UVD Robot is a quick and cost-effective way to ensure all office spaces are safe now and into the future, and can disinfect 18,000 square meters in 2.5 hours and perform 2 days worth of disinfecting in just one hour. The UVD Robot from NESA Robotics will help return normality and confidence to go back to work in the office so that the face-to-face, social and collaborative workplace can become a reality once again.
You can find out more about HWM Aston Martin and UVD Robots from NESA Robotics here.